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Goldprint Tattoo ENG

Our energyfields consists out of layers with patterns we mostly call "Sacred Geometry". In and between these energylayers we find sigils and symbols. Layer upon layer, these patterns, dots and symbols form Codes. Codes which lay dormant in our system, waiting to be consciously activated so you can remember and fully inbody your life's purpose and authenticity. Before our incarnation we've chosen to lay these codes dormant to have a fuller experience behind the veils of Earthy perception. I can see and channel these codes, for you to remember your heart in deeper layers. For you to channel more Love into yourself for your personal development and life balance. All our finite (light)bodies can contain distortions and therefor we develop illnesses and are not able to inscend to deeper and higher frequencies. I can find and read these distortions in the geometry of your energyfields. These distortions can be released if you consciously choose to activate your Goldprint. 


Choosing to activate your Goldprint is not 'just a process'. It will guide you towards your deepest intentions to live your life in harmony, health, wealth and gratitude. Therefor a process of clearing, cleaning, aligning, attuning, healing, activation and alchemization starts after your heart chooses to inbody parts of your Goldprint. This Service is a deep Alchemistic Activational Process: an EnergyMedicine which will open and activate you deeply. See this as a fast-track coaching into the depths of your own heart & core. It aligns you with your higher dimensional frequencies, restructures your geometry, opens your Heart multidimensionally and aligns you with your highest timelines. These are not 'just beautiful' designs. It's an Activational DNA Code designed by Charlotte, created by your own higher identities of self! This service will align you with your Hearts mission, activates dormant DNA and brings through multidimensional energies for you to remember and integrate. It makes you break through your own created illusions and gain more clarity in all ways. These codes are timeless and keep 'feeding and teaching' you in every layer, dimension and reality of the Now. This process gives you so much more than you can imagine, you just need to allow the frequencies to do their work. It works as deep as you allow it to! 

For Who? 

Thee FreedomSeeker in any way! The healer, therapist, coach, manager, entrepeneur or for you if you wish to live more from the heart, your core, your own source connection. You wish to raise your frequency and simply be the best version of you! You choose the New World! The new Golden Age which we are embarking upon. 

What happens when you would love to start this process? 

Let's first plan a (video)call for your questions! Then we'll plan our (online) session which will clear and clean your energyfield for you and me to receive deeper activation, information and clarity. For women we will always start with a  Womb Freedom Session. When the energy of the session is integrated, your energyfield is cleaner for me to work with and in. This is the reason why I offer this service in a package form if you have not worked with me before. I want your energyfield to be cleared from lower vibrational frequencies beforeI start designing and especially from your womb/sacral area. It takes 2-4 weeks of session integration before I start to receive insights about your Goldprint. I will dream about your code or wake up knowing that this is the day! Untill this moment I 'carry' you in my energyfield and there will be an energetic exchange/cord till your goldprint design is finished. 
When I start designing I align myself with the highest 12-15 dimensional energies available in that moment for you. I will light a candle, meditate, create a grid/altar with my crystals and codes and the crystal I chose for you. Your crystal will be charged with all the energies and downloads that will come through during designing. I'll be knotting this into a necklace for you, so this will be your personal talisman! The designing process mostly takes me 5 to 6 hours, depending on where the code will be on your body (if you wish to have it tattooed).

What do you receive in this Service?

♦ A4 Goldprint Code on paper.
♦ 2,5hr Session (Women Womb Freedom Session).
♦ Personalised Crystal Necklace.
♦ Audio recording with Goldprint Explanation. 
♦ Audio recording with Soundlanguage Activation. 
♦ 45 min videocall with Goldprint Transmission after designing. 
♦ 30 min videocall inbodiment reading. 
 ♦My Goldprint Codex in pdf with a lot of information for deeper innerstanding, integration & inbodiment! 
♦ There is contact between the session and designing and enough space to ask questions/receive support.
♦THIS DOES NOT INCLUDE TATTOOING, you'll find Tattoo Artists recommendations (in NL)
 for ceremonial tattooing in your Goldprint Codex, which is important for this work... 
♦ All the above inclusive a 1 on 1 plantmedicine ceremony for deeper integration. 


This service only comes in package form if you have not worked with me before!
Please know that all my work can be done remotely! It doesn't matter where you are on our blue planet. 
Goldprint Tattoo Package:
A4 Goldprint = €895,- 
Goldprint Medicine Package:
Ask me for the Medicine Package options (only available in NL).
If you have worked with me before:
Goldprint Designs start at  €555,- 
This includes an A4 design, the Goldprint Codex, plus the 2 audio's with reading and activation. 
We will always feel into if a clearing session is needed before we start. 
I work with a downpayment upon booking your Goldprint Package. 
The rest can be paid cash when we start our session if you're in the Netherlands. Or else I'll receive a full payment upon booking via wise. 
(Services are inclusive shippingcosts in the Netherlands, abroad shipping will be added).

If you feel a Yes in your Heart, please contact me through contactform on the homepage. We will plan a (video)call when I received your contactinfo to align our hearts and get to know each other. 
You can check my instagram for more designs here: @charlotte.aliyah

Please contact Charlotte through contactform on homepage

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